Thursday, June 12, 2014

Milani and Jordana || Still Cruelty-Free ?

Hey guys.

 If you read you’d know that the article titled Milani and Jordana nolonger has caused much panic in the cruelty-free-blogger world.

I won’t go into too many details about the article but basically there is speculation that some of the ingredients in Milani products have been tested on animals.

After I took down a post featuring two Milani lipsticks, I decided to email Milani and ask for an explanation. Side note, be sure to follow this blog on Facebook because that’s where I post when I email a company and when I receive a reply from them. 

I wanted to share (as promised) the correspondence I’ve had with Milani so far.

I emailed them saying:

Hello, My name is Camila Alvarez. I am the writer for HumanelyChic (, a cruelty-free beauty blog. I am interested in buying from your company but would like to be assured that your products are cruelty-free. I have some questions I would appreciate you address. Please be sure to answer all of them as the answers you provide are very important to both my readers and myself. 

1. Does your company test ingredients or/and finished products on animals?
2. Do you test ingredients or products on animals through a 3rd party? If your answer is no, how do you ensure that your manufacturers do not test? 
3. Do your manufacturers test ingredients or products on animals?
4. Are you owned or affiliated with any companies that test products or ingredients on animals?
5. Do you have a parent company? If so who are they? 
6. Do you/your parent company currently or have plans to market and sell your products in the Chinese market, which requires animal testing by law to sell in that country? 
7. Do you use palm oil/carnuaba wax in any of your products? If so, is it from an organic and sustainable source? 
8. Could you provide a list of all of your current vegan items available for purchase?

Thank you in advance for you cooperation!

Another sidenote, they replied to my email the next day which I really appreciated!
Here’s their reply:

Hi Camila,

Thank you for your inquiry. Please see our stance on animal testing here:

Additionally, we are in the midst of compiling a list of our vegan items, which we will be sharing on our website. In the meantime, we provide all of our ingredient on our website. If there is a specific shade you would like to know about I’ll be happy to let you know if it is vegan.

I didn’t like this reply because, obviously, it’s very vague. So I emailed them back:

Hello {names are omitted},
Thank you for replying to my email. I checked out the link you provided. Meanwhile, a very well know blog ( has a post that worries me. According to the post, Milani (Jordana) did test some of it's ingredients on animals to comply with law and regulations of certain countries. Is this correct? It would be really appreciated if Milani came out with a statement clearing this up. I know the reader of my blog and the thousands that only shop for cruelty-free cosmetics and have long supported Milani would appreciate it. 

Thank you again for your attention. 

Again the representative emailed me right away.

Hi Camila,

We are aware of the blog post from There was miscommunication between our company and a few customers that prompted her post. We did make an official statement on our Facebook page addressing the miscommunication and our stance on Animal Testing. The post was made on June 4th. You can see it on our page, but here it is as well:

Milani apologizes for causing recent confusion regarding our practices related to the use of animals for the safety testing of its products. The confusion was caused in part by a company response made to a Milani website inquiry that unintentionally was vague and in certain respects inaccurate. Milani will use its best efforts going forward to ensure such confusion does not occur again.

From the inception of the company, Milani has been opposed to the use of animals for the safety testing of cosmetic products. Our company philosophy has never changed in this regard. We have never tested our products on animals, and never have allowed others to test our products on animals.

All Milani cosmetic products are manufactured by reputable suppliers who do not use animals for product testing. Milani is now in the process of obtaining certifications from all of our suppliers regarding this fact, as well as the fact that the raw materials used in our products are not tested on animals. We will confirm receipt of these certifications when they have been obtained. 

We do not sell our products in any markets where animal testing is required by local law or regulations.

We endorse the published efforts of many who oppose testing on animals at any point during production, as a finished product, or with respect to ingredients used in the manufacture of the product.

Milani currently is in the process of receiving certification as cruelty free under PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies Program.

We hope this resolves any confusion that may exist regarding our positions on these issues.

Granted, they did not answer my original eight questions, but I think we can all admit this clears this up a lot. To be safe, I will ask whether they sale their products in China. According to what was stated above the answer should be no, but we’ll see. After hearing their explanation about the origin of the miss communication and confusion, and reading about their animal testing policy I would feel safe supporting Milani again. What’s your opinion? Let me know.

Lots of Love,

Day 2 - 20 Facts About Me |:| 30 Day Challenge

♥︎ 1.     I was born in Colombia
♥︎ 2.     Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book. Of all time. I’ve read it too many times.
♥︎ 3.     It was surprisingly easy for me to go vegetarian. It happened in a day.
♥︎ 4.     I never have to curl my eyelashes.
♥︎ 5.     I’ve been sketching dresses/outfits since I was a kid.
♥︎ 6.     I wanted to be a pop star growing up. I loved Hilary Duff and Ashley Tisdale.
♥︎ 7.     I am a huge lover of Cupcakes.
♥︎ 8.     My dream vacation is a road-trip across Europe
♥︎ 9.     I started a draft for a novel. Have yet to finish it.
♥︎ 10. This is shameful to admit but, yes. I was a Twi-Heart.
♥︎ 11. I’m majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Mathematics.
♥︎ 12. I am a Proud Christian!!!
♥︎ 13. Flower Child.
♥︎ 14. I’m a sucker for romance novels.
♥︎ 15. I absolutely hated High School up until my last semester.
♥︎ 16. Introvert.
♥︎ 17. I made up a type of folk-tale when I was in elementary. Kids still believe it to this day.
♥︎ 18. I want to write a story.
♥︎ 19. I’ve always been creative and hated the stereotype that you can’t be artsy while being good a science and math.
♥︎ 20. I want to own a farm in the future. (A cruelty-free farm of course).

I hope you are enjoying these posts so far. I know I am. 

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge || My Blog's Name | Day 1

Hello friends. So I decided to take on this 30 Day Blog Challenge. I first heard about this from the lovely Kelly from TheVeganTaff. She is currently on day eleven. Honestly,  it was only two days ago that I started following her with this challenge and I get excited to read her posts everyday. So definitely check her blog out.

Day 1-  Your Blog's Name

I wish I had more of an exciting story for where the name HumanelyChic came from. 
I don't though. 

I just liked how it sounded. 

In the beginning I wanted the name to be Humanely, Naturally but the HTML name was HumanelyChic. I debated changing it a lot. I decided not to because I didn't want to confuse my loyal followers. I thought if I changed the name they wouldn't be able to find my blog. 

Also, if you followed my blog back in the day (September of 2012). You would know that I would constantly change the design/layout of the blog. Looking back, YIKES that's soo annoying. 

These headers are evidence of my constant re-design of this blog. LOL.
I never really thought much about this, but I'm really glad I have all these headers. It just shows how far this blog has come. 

Wow. I can't believe this September will be my two year blog birthday. I did not celebrate the first birthday. I will be sure to do something special this year. 

My blog-birthday is September 19, 2012. 
 Excuse any grammatically errors. 

P.S. I will still have regular beauty and cruelty-free posts along with these 30 Day Challenge posts. 

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Vegetarian Lunch Idea || FOOD

Hey guys. 
I wanted to share with you a cute lunch idea. I think my vegetarian friends will find this fun. 

This is very self explanatory. I just peeled the skin of the apple. I think it's best especially if you don't eat organic fruits to peel the skin. 
I also squirted half a lime to the apples. I really like the tartness it adds and it also helps keep the apple from turning brown. 
And then I placed a bunch of beautiful rip red strawberries around the bowl. 

This is a simple but delicious salad.
Here we have:
1. sweet corn
2.chik-peas beans or grabanzo beans
3. kidney beans
4. a few tablespoons of feta cheese
5. juice of a lime
6. a bit of salt and pepper

Feel free to make these ideas your know. 

Lots of Love,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

DIY Custom Tea-Can || Tea Lover's Delight

Hey guys.
I'm excited to share this unique DIY project.

It's basically an empty can of coffee that I decided to use to store my tea. 
It wasn't until very recently that I decided to start drinking tea. I mean I had once in a blue moon, but not enough to call myself a "tea lover".

I'm not a nutritionist but it's secret of how good tea is for you. The main reason I decided to get into tea is that it gives water flavor without adding sugar (like those horrible lemonade powder drinks). I appreciate as I try to drink a lot of water on a daily basis and especially during summer. Sometimes just drinking water gets boring and I start craving suggary drinks which are so bad for you. 

Don't worry my coffee lover friends, coffee will always be my number one love. After all I'm Colombia and a Colombian whom does not love coffee is a sin.

***This DIY project or even my instructions to brew the tea might seem really common sense to some. Both are really easy to do, I just like writing the steps down in case you don't know or are like me and like instructions! 

I especially like drinking my tea iced. I thought I'd share how they Starbucks brews their teas. It's really easy.

1. You take really hot water (boiling preferably).  Add one or two bags and let them steep for 3-5 minutes. 
2. I like it really strong so I don't add much water. If you are going to add water go ahead and it it now.
♥ 3.I just add ice and stir! Stir until the water gets cold. Add as much ice as you'd like!

What You'll Need:

♥1. Scrapbook paper, basically any paper with a patter you like. Just be sure it's quite think, if you use regular paper it will crease and look messy once you apply the glue. 
This wallpaper my mom got at a garage sale and never used.

♥2. scissors

♥3. sharpie, pen, or pencil

 ♥4. Mod Podge or regular school glue
If you can get the Mod Podge! 

5. You might also want to consider using glitter, paint, charms, etc. Spice up your Tea-Can as much as you'd like. 

This is my selection of tea. I'm not a fan of just green tea, or black tea anything plain I don't love. I like these teas with flavor infusions. These are by stash. (I bought these, don't worry I wasn't sent them). I think this brand of teas is really nice and has a lot of flavors to choose from. They are (in my opinion) pricey but not too pricey. In fact you can find them much cheaper at discount stores. I bought my at Ross which is a discount fashion and home store. Random, I know. 
Here we have:
♥1. Double Spice Chai--black
♥2. Ginger Peach --green
♥3. Cinnamon Apple Chamomile --herbal 

Isn't it a nice pattern. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and I feel like Elizabeth would have this wallpaper in her room.

♥ 1. Be sure to measure the circumference of your can/bottle, etc. I found it easiest to use a string. Also measure the width of your can/bottle. Be sure to get a correct measurement or else everything will just not work out. Spend a little extra time here!

♥ 2. We are going to measure out a rectangle that will fit around our can.
Now turn over the scrapbook paper/paper you plan on using.  Stretch the string to it's full length on the paper. Make a small dot right above the top of the string, then grab the end and stretch it to it's full length. Go ahead and let go of the top of the string (once you've draw your dot). Now repeat and draw your dot at the bottom of the string. Be sure to stretch it to get the true length of the can.  

From the first dot you drew, extend the string that you measured the width with.
Repeat this at the bottom dot of the string.
I'm sure you guys can figure out what to do from there.

♥3. I could not find a ruler so I used the cover of my Tay-Swift notebook. Now simply connect the dots. I found it pretty hard making a straight line! Use a pencil! 

♥4.  Cut out the rectangle. 

♥ 5. Make sure the rectangle you've cut fits around the can. If it's a bit too wide, just trim it.

♥ 6. Now it's time to glue. I really think Mod Podge works best, but use whatever you have.
Mod Podge is more runny than regular glue, so I used an old makeup brush to apply glue to the back of my paper.

♥ 7. Then go ahead and glue the paper onto your can. I had no trouble at all applying the paper to the can.
Be sure to smooth it out. Kind of like you're giving the can a massage. LOL. Try to get rid of any air bubbles.

 It's looking good!

 8. I'm going to make a circle using this bowl. I want to make a label using the circle scrap. I'm going to use the back side of the wallpaper in order to give it some contrast.  

I decided to draw a glittery heart and a glittery edge. 

 9. To make the glittery heart, I just simply drew a heart right on my label. Using my makeup brush I applied a bit of glue, being especially careful not to get any glue outside of the edge. Then I just poured the glitter on it. 

10. I decided to paint the lid of the can. On hindsight I should have applied some Mod Podge to protect from water, etc. I encourage to either let it be or to apply a coat of Mod Podge to the lid. 

Thanks for reading this! Even if you didn't read or just scrolled through lol. 
Leave me feedback in the comments.

Lots of Love,

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Favorite Cruelty-Free Foundation || elf's Flawless Finish Foundation

Hey guys. I wanted to share with you the foundation I'm absolutely loving at the moment. It's ELF's Flawless Finish Foundation! It's so good! 

I ordered the foundation in 'buff' sometime in January. Sadly, it was way too dark for me especially then and now that I have more of a tan (a lot more) it's still a bit too dark. Therefore, I would mix it with a bit of a lighter foundation I have, so I didn't really care for it enough to review it. Also, I hadn't used it on it's own. 

I decided to pick it up in 'sand' the earlier this week in Target. This is a way better color match for me. It's only been a week, but man I have to recommend it now.

I am absolutely in LOVE with it. 

It comes in a pump! Makes things a whole lot easier. It's in a sleek container, doesn't look cheap. It's very very inexpensive. It retails for $6.00 on ELF's site and in Target. 

Aside form the packaging it's quite a thick foundation. It will not drip down the back of your hand (if you are me and first apply foundation on the back of your hand first). 

I have oily to combination skin (much more oily in the summer). It is an oil free foundation which I appreciate. On my skin it blends in so effortlessly. It gives me a beautiful finish, like flawless (not trying to be intentionally corny, but that's the best word to describe how it looks). It's a very build-able foundation. I used two good coats and it does not look cake-y what-so-ever.
 Though, it's oil free it is not drying. At least that's my experience. To my dry-skin friends (that sounds so weird to say) I would still recommend you give this foundation a chance. I'm no expert but how could it hurt?

They only have six color selections. Which sucks tremendously. It's hard (at least for me) to tell what color I am. For instance, when I ordered from elf's site in January and got a shade wayy too dark. I've only ever seen them in Target. I know Walmart has elf stuff now (yay), but either my WalMart sucks at restocking or they don't have enough of elf's products. 

I truly recommend you check out this foundation. I wasn't expecting too much, just thought I'd give it a go and it exceeded my expectations. I was applying my makeup sitting next to my mom this mooring (at the kitchen table) and she tells me how nice my skin looks. My mom usually doesn't comment on what I put on my face. 

I hope you got something out of this review. Leave me comments below. I love reading them

Lots of Love, 

These were taken right in front of my balcony window in day light. 

** I was not sent or paid to review this product (though I wish I was lol ) . My opinions are my own and honest. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Milani || Lipsticks Swatches and Review

Hey guys.
The other day I was in Walgreens and noticed they had a nice sale going for Milani products. I've always been intrigued by their lipsticks and decided to pick up two very opposite of the spectrum colors.
One is a beautiful pink cream nude and the other is a dark purple vampy matte.

Naturally Chic

Can you tell by I was very inclined to pick this shade up? I love the name. Also, I don't have have a nude color that is soft like this one. By soft I mean very subtle. I do have an NYX lippie in Cocoa but that one is very pigmented and if  I want to wear it like a nude I need to sheer it out. 
Meanwhile, If I wanted too I could build up the color to get a much richer pigment. As you can tell this is a cream finish lippie and I love it. It's not so creamy that it almost looks like it could double as a lip gloss. It does make my lips feel nice and moisturized. 
This particular day, my lips were really dry. In this picture you can't tell at all. 
It's a wonderful color and a lovely formulation.
It has a fruity-sweet scent. 


Now this lipstick is almost a complete 180 of NaturallyChic. You can tell that it's a matte finish (as it gives off no shine). Which is fine, I love matte lipsticks.
 However, this lipstick is soo patchy. It make the dry parts of my lips stand out. Also, if I try to build up the color, some of the color I had already applied rubs off. Does that make sense? 
It's definitely not the most dry matte lipstick I've tried, but the application is so awful that it doesn't matter.
I mean it could be that I got the odd one out, maybe from a bad batch. Meanwhile, I'm not in love with this guy. I do love the color.
It also has a fruity-sweet scent.

Left: Sangria Right: Naturally Chic

I am 50 % and 50 % with this line of lipsticks. Granted, I have two of the dozens of shades that are out. I feel it would be unfair, especially as I LOVE NaturallyChic, to say I would not recommend these lipsticks. I will be purchasing more shades to get a real feel for them. 

If you have tried more of Milani's array of lippies let me know how you feel about them!! I would really love some shade suggestions! 

Lots of Love,

You can kind of tell in this picture what I mean by it (Sangria) being patchy.

** I was not sent or paid to review these lipsticks. I bought them with my own money and this review is honest and only of my experience. 


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