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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Save your Beagle & Mousy friends from breeding for animal testing!!

I received an email with a link to this petition from BUAV or British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. If you've never heard of them they are an animals rights organization in Britain, which -among other things-want to end all animal testing. 

This petition is to reject a proposal to from Bantin and Kingman Universal Limited (B&K) to construct a beagle and rodent breeding farm. No doubt these animal would be used for animal testing purposes. 
To read more about the situation please click on the link & also SIGN the petition.

I know I'm always hesitant to sign petitions because I wonder if my signature will make any difference. Change happens gradually & your signature is very important though it might not always seems like it. Also share this with your fb friends, your real friends, your mom and your mom's friends! Spreading the news is the first step to making a change. 

Lots of Love,


  1. how could you ever test on a beagle (or any animal for that matter); LOOK AT THEIR FACES! I just signed it; thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  2. Thanks friend! It's much appreciated!

  3. We won! Due to all the signatures, the plans for this cruelty barn have been scrapped. Wohoo!

    1. YES! I received a BUAV email. Haven't had time to update on here! :D

  4. :O I have a pet Beagle called Nora, she's literally the sweetest dog on earth. I can't imagine how people could bring themselves to test on dogs like her- or any animal for that matter. Signed!


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