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Monday, November 25, 2013

Sugarpill | Animal Testing Policy

Hey guys!
I just got a reply from a Sugarpill representative! 

I contacted them using the format I always use. *I have changed it up a bit, but the questions are the same.

This is what I received:
*I added the questions, so you don't have to open 1000x tabs.

"Hi Camila,

I apologize in advance for the short reply. I am on the road.
Below is the answers to your questions. 

*1. Does your company test ingredients or/and finished products on animals?1) No

*2. Do you test ingredients or products on animals through a 3rd party? If your answer is no, how do you ensure that your manufacturers do not test?  
2) No, We visit our manufacturers regularly and have a written statement from them confirming they do not test.

*3. Do your manufacturers test ingredients or products on animals?
3) No

 *4. Are you owned or affiliated with any companies that test products or ingredients on animals?
4) No

*5. Do you have a parent company? If so who are they?  
5) No

*6. Do you/your parent company currently or have plans to market and sell your products in the Chinese market, which requires animal testing by law to sell in that country? 
6) No

*7. Do you use palm oil/carnuaba wax in any of your products? If so, is it from an organic and sustainable source? 
7) We use Carnauba Wax, Our supplier does not state their source.

*8. Could you provide a list of all of your current vegan items available for purchase?  
8) We have a "Vegan" category tab on our site that shows all of our Vegan items, which is most of them.


So there you go guys! I will be adding them to my Cruelty-Free list. Sugarpill is also on PETA's does not test list. 

Lots of Love,


  1. I love Sugarpill. I love that they label vegan and also all their labels state cruelty free and also that they are awesome! It's great when the companies actually answer ALL the questions too and not just gloss over a couple.

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