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Monday, September 21, 2015

❤︎ What's on my Lips || Fall Lippies ❤︎

Hey guys!

Arrrrgg guys, I’m so DONE with Summer. I don’t know about the climate where you live, but where I live it is freakish hot! It can up to 100 F. A few years ago, I remember it got up to 113 F. Even though the last day of Summer is technically the 22nd, where I live we are still looking at one more month of heat. Crossing my fingers it’s less than that.

So I’ve been using my makeup (as you do) to keep calm and to channel Fall. We did have a bit of rain last week, fingers crossed that happens again. In the Fall spirit, I’d like to share some of my favorite lippie picks for the Fall. There might be a part two, I realized I have some other lippies I also wanted to talk about. I didn’t include them here because they are very similar in tone. Let me know if you’d like to see it.

Note: The flash changed the tone of the lipsticks a tiny bit. It made them look brighter than they are. For the best color reference see the swatches below. Also, not sponsored. Yes, I bought them all! haha!

1.       Colourpop’s Ultra Matte Lippie in ‘Avenue’
This is the matt(est) matte formula I’ve ever used. Therefore, it’s dryyy! So lather that lip balm! I find application is a bit tricky, so I use a lip liner. In the picture you can see the application is not perfect, because I didn’t use a lip-liner. Also, be sure to let each layer dry before you apply the next. I find
more than two layers of this formula can look splotchy.

2.       Colourpop’s Ultra Matte Lippie in ‘Bumble’
I find myself using this colour on the daily. It’s trendy because it’s that  brownie-mauve color. Meanwhile, I've always been a big fan of brownie-colors and so this is my go to ‘nude’. It’s the same formula as ‘Avenue’ and very build-able. I wore it a bit softer in the picture. I also like wearing it more opaque. I can get away with more layers of this color than ‘Avenue’.

3.       Elf Moisturizing Lipstick in ‘Red Carpet’
This lippie is a hot-red with orange undertones. It’s more red than orange. The flash makes it look more orange than it is. It’s a creamy finish. I usually blot it on a napkin because I prefer a matte look, but I like the option to go glossier. Super comfortable and undeniably gorgeous!

4.       Wet N Wild’s Mega Last Lipstick in 'Cherry Picking'
This color is a raspberry-red color. It might look glossy in the picture because I was using a lip balm but it has a true matte formula. Also, it's much darker than the picture of me wearing it shows (reference the swatch picture for a more accurate representation). It's super gorgeous but requires the whitest teeth! Haha! It's very opaque. This is my favorite matte formula, yet it's a bit drying but nothing too uncomfortable. Overall a most unique and pretty red. 

5. elf Matte Lip Color in 'Praline'
I love my brownie nudes! While I do enjoy wearing Praline on its own, more often I use it as a lip liner. It compliments most of my brownie-colors. 

However, when I do want to wear it on its own, it takes the show! I really love it! The formula is super comfortable and the friendliest matte I know! ;)

6. elf Matte Lip Color in 'Berry Sorbet'
In tone it's similar to 'Cherry Picking'. It's more purple whereas 'Cherry Picking' is more pink. Super comfortable formula. It's still matte, but not as matte as the Colourpop Ultra Mattes. I love the pencil style application. The color is still bright, yet "Fall appropriate" (if you will). Seriously if you haven't given the elf lippies a try, you are missing out! If you aren't feeling 'Berry Sorbet', check out their color selection! #notsponsored 

7.Wet N Wild's Silk Finish Lipstick in 'Black Orchid'
This lipstick was a hit a couple of years back when vampy lips were super in (they never went away in my book). It's crazy opaque but build-able. You can go sheer or dark. It's got a silky (imagine that) finish but if you prefer a matte finish just bloat it lightly with a napkin. It's my purplest and darkest lipstick and as you can tell, I use it a lot.

Hope you enjoyed this blog post! It was lots of fun! Who knew swatching a bunch of lippies could be so fun! I did! hahah! What are you loving now and what are you excited to wear this Fall!?
Lots of Love,

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The links below are affiliate links. Meaning if you purchase these items using them, I will get a percentage of that purchase. It does not cost you anything, if anything it gives me a little profit and helps me out. 

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