Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cruelty-Free Blog & Your Opinion!

Don't you guys hate the fact that a lot of the YouTube beauty community isn't cruelty-free? I know I find it sad and annoying to hear about all these products that, yes might be good, but at what cost? Also, I always consider that fact that there are GREAT cruelty-free companies that don't get enough recognition. Well, for maybe six months now I have been running my own Beauty-Blog. Where I review cosmetics & skin car stuff, etc. Basically only cruelty-free beauty-stuff!! It's called Space-A-Lah.

I have hesitated on sharing it on here, just because it took awhile for me to grow into my cruelty-free activist shoes. Meaning, I often found out some companies I thought were cruelty-free, were not. I was scared of swaying you to -potentially- buy stuff that has been tested on my furry friends. Now that I feel more confident about what companies are truly cruelty-free I have decided to share it here.

You might be wondering why I didn't post reviews, hauls, and such on here. I actually have been thinking about it, but I wanted to have your support first.

So, I would really appreciate your feedback! Should I stay or move my reviews, etcs. here? Be honest! I know it would be easier to maintain just one blog and have all the info. easy to find in just one place. Thank you for allowing my little 'ol blog to blossom! I can't believe I have over 25,000 views! WHAT??? I have so much more planned! I love you all! <3 <3 <3

Lots of Love,


  1. I'm the same, I love the YouTube beauty community but it is so so so hard to find anyone who only uses cruelty free products. Also I just checked out your blog and it looks great! I think I'm going to have to make an e.l.f. purchase soon as my wishlist is growing!!

  2. I search high and low for cruelty free beauty blogs but there aren't many, none in England as well! They're all about big expensive brands that test on animals and it drives me crazy. But this is somewhere i can come when i'm not sure what is animal friendly, i trust this too. You're amazing for doing this and you should definitely keep going :)

  3. Im also in the world of cruelty free too, I try to buy everything cruelty free, drugstore cause I cant afford high end. But there are a few things that are hard to find, like shampoo can conditioner. we managed to friend a natural tooth paste and a great deo.
    But some companies are deceitful, for example 3 years ago zwitsal ( Europe) did assure me they don't test on animals, but now I hear they it is hard to trust sometimes and the prices for example organic shampoos are so high.


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