Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Quick Resource

Hey guys!

As you can see this is a screenshot of my phone.
It makes shopping WAY easier! 

If any of you are smartphone users, you need to check out LeapingBunny's App. I recently (this past month) I became part of this iPhone obsessed society. Although I LOVE my LeapingBunny little book of cruelty-free companies I find that my app is way more convenient! Just go here to download the app! It's free!!
BTW. This is not sponsored or anything (i'm not that cool). I just really find this app helpful!

Lots of Love,


  1. I not cool at all I don't own an Iphone hehehe just a plane BB

    1. Hey,
      LOL! Don't worry! I'm pretty sure any smartphone has this app. If not check : http://humanelychic.blogspot.com/2013/05/quick-resource-for-cruelty-free-brands.html they will mail you a small little book :D Thanks for always commenting i appreciate it :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The reply button isn't working now, so you welcome about commenting I like this blog.
      where we live we got the most of our products our beauty products from Latin america, USA and also from Holland. maybe that books won works for us.
      By I do always check the package for the leaping bunny logo.

      But a great alternative also is going 100% natural with moisturizers for hair body and face as coconut oil.

      Sorry Im having problems with my keyboard. I just freeze

    4. Absolutely! I'm glad & yes check it out!


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