Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 3 - My Favorite Quote || 30 Day Challenge

Hey guys.
Sorry this is up late. Well, at least for me it's late. I want to get these 30 Day Challenge posts up early. 

The reason I waited until later to post this is because I have no idea what my favorite quote is. I thought about it all day and couldn't decide. 

I think instead of having one favorite quote I have a favorite quote for how I'm feeling and certain topics. Instead of choosing something very deep and insightful, I went with this quote because it's what I've been thinking as of late. 

I live far-ish from my University. During summer I don't get to spend as much time with my friends. While that can be suck-ish and lonely I also realize I have other blessings around me. I have my wonderful parents, my annoying yet lovable sister, and my soul-mates aka my dogs. 

When I was a kid I wanted a dog. Every time I tossed a penny into a pond I wished for a puppy. Finally when I was twelve I got not a puppy but two puppies. One is named Scruffy and the other is named Bruno. They are truly a big part of my family and my family wouldn't be the same without them. 

Basically if you have a puppy, a cat, a snake (well maybe not a snake, idk I've never had a snake) go hug them. Animals are blessings. 

Lots of Love,

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